Xiao Yao San Ingredients And Composition

Unlike most western medicine, Xiao Yao San is a traditional Chinese medicine formula, which is made from natural herbs. The most important ingredients of Xiao Yao San are as follows: Bupleurum root (Bupleuri Radix), Chinese peony root (Paeoniae Radix), Chinese Angelica root (Angelicae Radix), White Atractylodes rhizome (Atractylodis Rhizoma), Tuckahoe mushroom (Poria), fresh ginger rhizome (Zingiberis Rhizoma), Chinese licorice root (Glycyrrhizae Radix), and wild mint herb (Menthae Herba). The effect of each composition in Xiaoyao San isn’t the same.
Xiao Yao San ingredients
Different effect of each component in Xiao Yao San 
Bupleurum root (Chai Hu), together with the wild mint herb (Bo He) helps to relieve Liver stagnation and let go the constrained heat in the body.

Chinese Angelica root (Dang Gui), as well as Chinese peony root (Shao Yao) has the effect to protect the Liver from damage and harmonize Liver Blood and Qi.

As we know, when Liver disorder occurs, the illness may transmit to Spleen. White Atractylodes rhizome (Bai Zhu), and Tuckahoe mushroom (Fu Ling) can both improve the function of the Stomach and Spleen.

Both fresh ginger rhizome (Sheng Jiang) and Chinese licorice root (Gan Cao) can help to support Stomach function and avoid the occurrence of Qi disorder, they also have a visible effect on strengthening spleen function.

Generally, one dose of Xiao Yao San is composed of 9g Chai Hu, 9g Dang Gui, 9g ShaoYao, 9g Bai Zhu, 9g Fu Ling, 6g Gan Cao, 6g Sheng Jiang, and 3g Bo He.

Actually, Xiao Yao San is the name for the formula, not for the herbal product. For example, Xiao Yao Wan, one of the most well-known Chinese herbal medicine, is in the pill form.