What Is Xiao Yao San?

Welcome to our blog , here we will give you the information on Xiao Yao San (or Xiao Yao Wan, the same formula in another form). We will discuss the benefit, the usage, and the side effect of Xiao Yao San.
 Xiao Yao San is a classic
 TCM herbal formula 
The Xiao Yao San (Xiao Yao power), is a classic TCM herbal formula, which is usually translated into English as "Free & Easy Wanderer Powder". This formula was first listed in the "Taiping Imperical Grace Formulary” in the Song Dynasty of China. The name "Xiao Yao"("逍遥") means great free and ease, implying that after taking the drug, the mood will be brightened, the worries will be forgotten, and one may feel happy as gods(wooo~this doesn’t sound sexy, looks like ancient Chinese herbalist were weird junkies).
Xiao Yao San has been using for the treatment of liver stagnation for hundreds years, as we know,liver stagnation may result in stress, depression, anxiety, and irritability. It is also used for curing irregular menstruation and premenstrual syndrome. It is completely made from natural herbs, and have little side effect that you should worry about.